Mothers Reject Games, but Games Never Abandon 'Mother'

**"Don't touch those games!"
"What's the use of playing these?"

For those born in the '80s and '90s, this sounds all too familiar. Many of us had mothers who viewed video games as a serious threat. We all went through the wave of resistance against video games in the early 2000s.

No matter how much mothers outside the gaming world reject video games, the portrayal of mothers within games has always been prominent. The world of video games never neglects the depiction of mothers.

This article, though late for Mother's Day, is a tribute to mothers in the world of video games, offering a brief overview of notable maternal characters.

Joyce Madsen - Life is Strange

Not all mothers in video games are good, but Joyce is definitely one of the best.

Joyce Madse

The relationship between Joyce and her daughter Chloe became exceptionally strained due to Chloe's rebellious behavior and smoking issues, as well as the death of Joyce's husband. Despite the numerous problems and challenges, and even though she struggled with the loss of her ex-husband, Joyce's love for her daughter never wavered. When forced to choose between her current husband and her daughter, she resolutely chose her daughter, valuing Chloe's safety and happiness above her own. Joyce also demonstrated a strong will to protect her family in the face of adversity.

Not only did Joyce show great charm as a mother, but she also displayed a high level of empathy and understanding in her interactions with Max, making her character more well-rounded and approachable.

Freya - God of War

Freya in God of War is quite a controversial character, but no one can deny her love for her son. To prevent the prophecy of her son's death from coming true, she placed an immortality curse on him. Even when her son tried to strangle her, she still loved him. When Kratos killed her son to save her, Freya was devastated.


Ana - Overwatch


Ana, one of the healers in Overwatch and the mother of Fareeha (Pharah), is a quintessential career woman and one of the founders of Overwatch. Even in her fifties, she refused to leave the battlefield and fought on the front lines, excelling at inspiring and saving her teammates. As a friend and comrade, Ana is reliable and outstanding, someone you can trust unconditionally. However, as a mother, she falls short. Her relationship with her daughter is not close and is even somewhat tense.

When her daughter was little and wanted a toy gun, Ana refused, saying it could hurt her eyes. When she found out her daughter wanted to join Overwatch, she opposed it. During a hostage rescue mission, Ana was injured and went missing, and everyone, including her daughter, believed she had died in that battle. As a result, she was absent from her daughter's upbringing.

Responding to Winston's call, Ana got the chance to fight alongside her daughter, giving her an opportunity to mend their relationship. In one battle, despite her daughter's objections, Ana rushed to her side to heal her. She explained her regrets and sorrow, with her greatest regret being that she kept her daughter away from the life she wanted.

Haruka Hikari - Mega Man Battle Network

Haruka Hikari

Haruka Hikari, a full-time mother, embodies the most traditional sense of motherhood. Her husband is always at work, and her child, Lan, is the game's protagonist. She spends most of her time at home, ensuring her husband and child are well-fed and that Lan gets to school on time. While Lan is busy saving the world, she constantly worries about his safety, praying that he stays out of danger.

A mother character similar to Haruka is Ness's mom from Earthbound

Ness's Mother - Earthbound/Mother 2

In the Japanese version of the game, it's even called "Mother 2," highlighting the pivotal role of Ness's mom. Without her, Ness's adventures wouldn't be possible. She is always willing to let him embark on dangerous journeys without any worries. Whenever Ness feels homesick, she is just a call away, reminding him of his important mission while also expressing how proud she is of him. When Ness's health is low, she replenishes his energy with delicious steak, ensuring he can continue his quest.

These two mothers are epitomes of perfect moms in the gaming world.


Claire Redfield - Resident Evil 2

Claire, a mother figure who isn't actually a mother.


When Claire decided to leave school to find her brother Chris, she had no idea of the nightmare that awaited her. Under the harsh survival pressures in Raccoon City, she was unaware of the whereabouts of her only surviving relative. It would be hard to believe that Claire could take care of anyone else, let alone a child, until she met a little girl named Sherry. Despite the constant danger and the difficulty of even keeping herself alive, Claire prioritized Sherry's safety and quickly became a new mother figure to her. Later, when Sherry was discovered to be infected, Claire still did everything in her power to ensure Sherry could receive the vaccine.

In post-apocalyptic settings, characters like Claire often emerge. They unexpectedly find themselves caring for a child, and despite never having been a mother, they naturally become everything to that child. For instance, in "The Walking Dead," Clementine embodies this role.

Clementine - The Walking Dead


Lee Everett is one of the best father figures in the game. After his death, Clementine learned a lot from him. When Clementine decided to protect and raise a young boy named AJ, she became a person like her father, and even surpassed him. Despite the horrors of the zombie world, Clementine sacrificed her own safety and happiness to care for the child. Their warm and loving life together brought some joy and laughter to an otherwise grim world.


In both reality and virtual worlds, love is the only true passport.

Mothers from the '80s and '90s often forbade their children from playing video games in the name of love. Now, those once-children, who are now in their thirties and parents themselves, no longer forbid their kids from playing games. Instead, they guide their children to play games healthily, still in the name of love.。

